Words that drive results
We’re Barques, a leading creative copywriting agency based in Birmingham. We deliver powerful and creative communications that enable our clients to engage with their core audience and create growth.
In a word-filled world, you need to work with someone who knows how to write content that captures your audience's attention and drives profitable engagement.
We create original content informed by your expert knowledge, SEO research and a page structure which Google bots love. This is the best way to maximise traffic and increase conversions.
Whether you're a local business or a global enterprise, our team of expert copywriters is here to transform your ideas into words that resonate. Let us help you tell your story, connect with your audience, and achieve great results.
Our team of literary wizards create exceptional copy to enhance visibility
Crafting a great blog takes practice, inspiration and dedication.
Barques’ blogs begin with reviewing the keywords you and your competitors rank for as well as researching topical trends, and establishing what users are searching for online. Content ideas are then brainstormed based on this research to produce blogs that bring traffic to your website.
Elevate your online presence with our SEO copywriting services. Crafting unique, brand-centric messaging that captivates your audience and entices them to explore your story further is our specialty. Our team of expert copywriters will ensure your website leaves a lasting impression.
Our creative copywriters are certainly not one-trick ponies - they have produced pieces on everything from cyber insurance to city art projects.
Versatile in nature, articles are an excellent tool to showcase your company’s expertise and elevate your brand’s image with comment opportunities accompanied by insightful and informative text.
To stand out amid the chaos of social media, both copy and visual content has to be to the point and resonate with your audience.
Every syllable of copy the Barques team publishes for clients on social media is precise, specific and written to maximise engagement.
Our copywriters love the challenge of persuading clients to open an email.
Working to boost open rates and conversions by convincing recipients to visit your website, we will ensure the bespoke copy hits your target audiences.
We create growth for brands of all shapes and sizes